
Monday Feb 15, 2021
Ep. 38 - Winden. Magic woo that wins sword fights?
Monday Feb 15, 2021
Monday Feb 15, 2021
In this episode we look at lines 102-109 on winding.
Winding is a pretty big deal in Liechtenauer's text, so we spend a while unpacking the word so that it becomes more than magical woo. Wind, turn, coil, spool and twist all get suggested.
We discuss how if 'aus winden' is a thing then it's the opposite of how modern HEMAists use it. And we get stuck on the difference between winden and wenden.

Sunday Feb 07, 2021
Ep. 37 - Your point's hanging out
Sunday Feb 07, 2021
Sunday Feb 07, 2021
In this episode we look at lines 96-101 on hanging and sprechfenster.
Mike S also does his best to drag cricket into every conversation like a knock off Andy Zaltzmann.
Steve put together a document of all the use cases here.
Michael Chidester's Patreon.
A cool talk about non-destructive pigment ID in MSs.
Textual evidence that sprechfenster and sprechfenster aren't the same thing.
Later, alternative understandings of sprechfenster.

Monday Feb 01, 2021
Ep. 36 - Hand Pressing
Monday Feb 01, 2021
Monday Feb 01, 2021
In this episode we look at couplet 95 on pressing the hands; - "Dein schneid wende zw flechen druck dÿe hende". Tune in and find out what it actually refers to...

Thursday Jan 21, 2021
Ep.35 - Ab schneiden, jarringly Slicing Off
Thursday Jan 21, 2021
Thursday Jan 21, 2021
This episode covers Ab schneiden (slicing off/slicing away) in lines 93/94 of the zettel.
Unfortunately we had some technical issues recording, so there are a few jarring moments. Sorry for that, but we hope you're still getting your money's worth... 😉

Sunday Jan 10, 2021
Ep. 34 - Wrestling at the Sword 2 - Wrestle Harder
Sunday Jan 10, 2021
Sunday Jan 10, 2021
We continue to look at the wrestling at the sword gloss, this time focusing on the 'arm grappling' plays.
Why are the glosses so different here? Why don't we see these plays in the modern game? Why were these ones selected and not more seemingly fundamental ones?
Have none of these questions answered in this week's episode!
(Kendra also talks about a recent article on medieval book edges. You can find it here.)

Sunday Jan 03, 2021
Bonus Ep. - Indes pt. 3
Sunday Jan 03, 2021
Sunday Jan 03, 2021
Recorded back at the end of November, this bonus episode is another look at "Indes", now with Jess' input.
Mostly we discuss adjectives vs. adverbs and the spatial vs. temporal use of the word over time. But mostly we just have fun with it. We also look at how the only contemporary translation of the poem deals with it... or doesn't.

Sunday Dec 20, 2020
Ep. 33 - Durchlauffen or 'Running Through' (Wrassling pt. 1)
Sunday Dec 20, 2020
Sunday Dec 20, 2020
In this episode we discuss lines 91-92 on wrestling. Specifically we talk about the first half of the gloss here - hip throws when the hands go high.
(Durchlauffen at the Paris HEMA Open, Guillaume Laisney closing so fast he left his gloves behind.)
(a hip bump from Ringeck)
Have a bunch of links to wrestling clips without any context:

Monday Dec 14, 2020
Ep. 32 - Zucken is a jerk!
Monday Dec 14, 2020
Monday Dec 14, 2020
Lines 88-90 of the zettel on Zucken, which can translated as pulling/jerking/tugging/yanking 😘
A pretty straightforward section but where none of our glosses contain all three plays. We also discuss it's applicability to armoured and mounted fencing (our good old tincan and pony.)
A page referenced during discussion:

Saturday Dec 05, 2020
Ep 31- Durchwechsel
Saturday Dec 05, 2020
Saturday Dec 05, 2020
Durchwechsel or 'Changing Through' is the term used for a type of disengage in the sources we work in. Lines 86-7.

Saturday Nov 28, 2020
Ep. 30 - Absetzen
Saturday Nov 28, 2020
Saturday Nov 28, 2020
Absetzen, 'setting aside.' Lines 38-35. What is it and how are we meant to remember which is absetzen, ansetzen, vorsetzen or versetzen? Does it even matter?